Julian begynner jo å bli en stor gutt, men innimellom ser vi at han fremdeles er lilledutten vår. Som når han blir lagt i vognen, og slokner som et lys når kosekluten og smokken er på plass.
Julian is now a big boy, but now and then we can still see he's our little baby. Especially at times like this when he's put down in his stroller and is totally gone when his blanky and pacifier is in place.
Lisa and Jesper came for lunch one day, something Anna knew to appreciate. She loves playing with her dolls - but nothing beats a real baby.
The boy next door comes over from time to time, to both Simons and our joy. I just had to capture a pic of the gang as they are watching Dora the explorer. (our kids learn english words instead of spanish) But check out Anna's face. She and Jens stole some markers at daycare, and this were the result - Anna as a bear.
Julian loves the firetruck he got this christmas, he as well as his brother and sister. Just had to show the giver that he loves it..
Det er jo kjempekoselig å se at gutten har glede av bilen!!!
SvarSlettHa ha, det beste med dette settet av bilder er jo det der Julian faktisk sitter på stuebordet! Fantastisk ; )