We went to Oslo to say hi to Bente who just recently had an operation in her back.. However, she was still very tired so it was just us and Julian this time. The two eldest stayed here with my dad and Janne, who got to have a little taste of our daily life. And it seemed like they share our experience - have a great time during the day, but soooo tired at the end of the day...
Cousins..Julian learned a lot from Benjamin over the weekend. After his encounter with a moore experienced kid, he started to babble , and my favourite word is of course "mamma...aaawww.. And he has started to crawl around..
svigerfar er så flink i hagen.. Står på dag og natt, og her ser dere hvordan den usle lille steinen vi har stående utenfor egentlig skal brukes. Jupp.. vann er greien, og ikke sand sånn som mine unger dytter nedi.
Bente tries to take a walk to strengthen her back, and this time she got company. Julian is still using his stroller and is now able to sit straight up. We gave him a cushion just in case, but he did not need it. Sat up, straight like a priest. My baby is getting big.. sigh..