The poolarea at the hotel. While we were waiting for Sean to pick us up, we relaxed for a while by the pool. It was sooo nice. The water was just cool enough to be chilling, and hot enough to not be freezing.
Having lunch beneath a tree while enjoying the view.
The giraff. This was an older female. According to our game drive guide, we could tell the age by the colour. They get darker as they age. And the female part we could tell by the hairs on their head.(?) When the male gets to puberty they will fight eachother and loose theirs.
Notice the bird on it's neck. It's eating ticks. At first the giraff was way out on a field, but after a while it came strawling across the road where we were parked. We really got up close and personal ;O)
We felt quite safe in these cars, seated high above ground.
This was a male zebra amongst a whole lot of pregnant females. And I guess he had something to do with it. And why we know it was a guy.. Well.. there was no mistake.. ehm..
Tirsdags morgen dro vi til Hilltop camp i Zululand. Zululand er ikke akkurat et eget land, men det kalles det ettersom det er her Zulustammene kommer fra. Det er ca 3,5 timers kjøretur fra Durban, men det er flotte motorveier her og masse flott landskap å se på veien.
Tuesday morning we went to Hilltop camp in Zululand. It's not actually a country, but where the Zulu tribes came from.
It took us 3,5 hours, but the highways are terrific and so is the scenery.
Det var en kjempeflott opplevelse å få se en del av dyrene på nær hold. Ettersom vi kjørte rundt i ganske bevokst terreng, var det ikke like lett å få øye på alle dyrene. vi vet at de har løver, geoparder og leoparder også, men det var ikke stort vi fikk sett til de. Gresset var for høyt, og trærne har så mye løv.
It was an awesome experience to see some of the animals up close. Besides the animals we got to see; elefants, rhinos, buffalos , wharthogs, bushbucks and zebras, they have also cheetas, leopards and lions.However, since it is summer this time a year, it's not easy to spot the animals through the high grass and thick shrubs.
It was an awesome experience to see some of the animals up close. Besides the animals we got to see; elefants, rhinos, buffalos , wharthogs, bushbucks and zebras, they have also cheetas, leopards and lions.However, since it is summer this time a year, it's not easy to spot the animals through the high grass and thick shrubs.
Ettersom vi reiser en del - altså kjører bil, blir det ikke akkurat så mye soling og avslapning som eg personlig skulle håpt på. Men vi sniker oss til en time her og en time der. Imorgen skal vi til et sted som er kombinert akvarie med haier, og vannpark med sklier. Blir kjekt. Det gleder vi oss til!!
Since we are travelling here and there, there isn't a lot of time left for catching rays and relaxing. At least not as much as I personally would like. But at the slightest glimpse of sparetime ,we'll put on our bikinis and strech out tired bodies anywhere.Tomorrow we're going to visit a Marine park, combined aquarium and waterpark. That will be fun. Looking forward to that!
Since we are travelling here and there, there isn't a lot of time left for catching rays and relaxing. At least not as much as I personally would like. But at the slightest glimpse of sparetime ,we'll put on our bikinis and strech out tired bodies anywhere.Tomorrow we're going to visit a Marine park, combined aquarium and waterpark. That will be fun. Looking forward to that!
Until then..
åååå heldige deg.... savner alt det magiske med afrika...du blir aldri mer en "same"
SvarSlettNei jeg skjønte ikke det med hann-zebraen.... hvordan ser man at det er en hann.. Forklar!....... (eller kanskje ikke når jeg tenker meg om hvem jeg spør!) glad i deg. klem
SvarSlettSå moro å se bilder, allerede FØR du er kommet hjem. Du imponerer! Det ser ut som at dere har det helt topp! Unner deg dette :) *klem*