Alle bildene er hentet fra trivselshus.no sine sider. Denne husmodellen heter Greenline 855. Her er fronten.
All the pictures comes from trivselhus.no, and the housemodel called Greenline 855. This is the front of the house.

These stairs lead to the lounge in the attic and a large guestroom.

Livingroom and diningroom. I've got no problems what so ever to see myself in this house. Entertaining friends and enjoying life with "ma darlings"

Just love the high ceilings and the flow of light in all the rooms.

This is the backyard. The house has 4 bedrooms besides the guestroom, two livingrooms, two bathroom and a laundryroom. I guess the reason why it's my favourite is the mix between many large windows and the many interesting angles and features. In addition the house meet my demands when it comes to contents. I want four bedrooms, two bathrooms and an extra livingroom for my kids who soon enough will become teenagers. The bad news when it comes to this house is it's referances. The builder has had some trouble with the quality. However, we can buy the sketches and do the job ourselves. To some extent.. And then it would become less expehensive. Well... we haven't bought a plot yet, so we won't know if we actually can build this house. You see, it will need a somewhat flat land, and there isn't many here in the western part of Norway. Too much mountains....But dreaming is for free!
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