Today, we had the families Haugen and Nyguen over for a visit. We had a really good time, kids as grownups. We made pizza's, the kids played and us parents had time to catch up. Andreas and Simon really hit it off, as well as Anna, Emilie and Victoria who made enough noise for the rest of them...Elias, Julian and Malene were hardly noticeable..But it's at time like this, I feel at the top of the world.. I just love it when children are running around, laughing hard and strenghtening their bonds of friendship. Auntie Janne took Simon and his cousin Carina to the pictures previously that day, and before he went to bed he said " This has been a good day, hasn't it mummy?" Which I absolutely had to concur.. Following a landslide of pics copied from Tone's facebook...

Three little girls who we believe are going to become good friends