Easter. I simply love easter. It's like the final frontier between winter and spring, and when we return to "buisness as usual" we're through. The days are lighter and the trees are turning green again. The best time of year. In many ways I love easter more than christmas. I have often felt that the meaning Christmas dissappears in gifts and capitalism. But easter... It is time for quality time with friends and family, and meditating. It's so precious and beautiful to me. Not just the family bit, but the knowledge of why we're really celebrating easter. Imagine - Jesus died so I could live. That's grace.
Even though we're most likely going to either spend our easter in Oslo or working at my dad's, I needed to get something to decorate for easter. And when I came across this cony chick at our local grocerystore I just had to get it.
A little present from my darling son. |
Enig med at påske er kjekk tid!