The day before Julian turned three we had the evening for our selves. Simon and Anna were sleeping over at auntie Veronica. So the two of us made sure to spend some quality time together baking for the great event next morning. As I've said before, we have a tradition on the kids birthday. We start the morning with cake, presents and singing Happy Birthday. This time we made chocolate cupcakes, and Julian got to decorate them him self. Good times.
Ingen bursdag uten presanger, og gutten var veldig fornøyd med sine. Godt er det. Han er jo så flink til å leke denne gutten. Kan kose seg i timesvis.
No birthday without presents. He got many presents, and was quite the happy little camper.
Morfar er poppis.
Grandpa is a popular guy!
Et lite glimt fra kaoset under middagen... Skikkelig barnebursdag når Veronica og eg samler troppene.A glimpse from the chaos of dinner. Whenever Veronica and I get our families together it's like a party everytime..
Snakke litt med farmor på østlandet.
Talking to grandma at the east side
Ååå, SAVN! Men ser nå ut som om gullklumpen fikk en fin bursdag iallfall.